Saturday, September 18, 2010

Other things I do for the fun of it

Sometimes beading just isn't enough. Sometimes there are just times in life when you look in the mirror and say, "Self, I need to make a silly hat."

Or, rather, the hat was needed for a game for a good friend's bridal shower, but still. Who needs a reason to make a silly hat, anyhow?

I took a plain white bucket hat and glued and sewed and painted to my heart's content. The painted script reads "Let me eat cake!" There is also a glow-in-the-dark fabric paint halo on the top seam of the hat.

A very similar design will be making its way onto my hard hat in the near future.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Creativity on a schedule

One of my greatest challenges as a jewelry artisan is my schedule... I work full-time, have an apartment to help keep up, plus other hobbies that also like to suck up my time. This means that I have scant little time to make jewelry, let alone blog about my artistic escapades. This would be why I have a very loosey-goosey update schedule (read: there is no schedule, I write when I can for now).

I try to sneak in jewelry-making when I can, and of the several projects I have on the docket right now I have a chainmail necklace that I carry around in my purse. It's easy for me to add a couple new rings to it during things like my lunch break at work, and I don't have to lug around my heavy bead tote. I also carry a small Moleskine sketchbook with a full 12-pencil set of Prismacolor Turquoise drawing pencils in my purse as well, which is why I've recently had to upgrade to a much larger purse to carry at least some of my hobbies around with me!

Also on the agenda while I sort out this whole not-enough-hours-in-the-day thing: Sorting out and organizing my hobbies!