Tuesday, May 14, 2013

In acknowledgement to my prolonged absence

It has been brought to my attention that I finally need to bite the bullet and turn my jewelry making hobby into an all-out, honest-to-goodness business. The fact that complete strangers keep asking me if I make jewelry to sell was a pretty good clue, really.

"Make a business," you ask? "But you can barely maintain a blog!"

And right you are!

The problem is that I have an inherent fear of accounting (it's a numbers thing... I don't do numbers), and anything remotely related to a decent business plan requires quite a fair bit of taking a long hard look at the numbers and making sure the business is on target to make the profits required to keep the business viable. I should also point out that I do carry a full-time job, which I like pretty well, and there's very little time in my life for a second full-time job.

Q: "What does this mean?"

A: I HAVE NO CLUE. Ideally, following through on the commitment for this blog would be nice. I don't expect to be 'viral,' as it were, nor do I want to deal with the hassles of advertisements and making a profit off of the blog itself. I just want to show people beautiful artisan jewelry, and maybe give a couple tips along the way.

Hopefully I'll be doing more of that in the coming months.

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